熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部 消化器内科学分野

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Research & achievements研究・業績

Research paper

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  • 研究論文和文

  • 研究論文英文

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  • 英文 原著他 (PubMed順)2020年度

    Successful treatment of occult pancreatic melanoma using BRAF/MEK inhibitors.

    J Dermatol 47,P.e126-e147 / 2020

    Successful treatment of adult-onset type II citrullinemia with a low-carbohydrate diet and L-arginine after DNA analysis produced a definitive diagnosis

    Clin J Gastroenterol 13,P.823-833 / 2020

    Cytomegalovirus enterocolitis in a patient with refractory immune-related colitis.

    Case Rep Gastroenterol 14,P.103-109 / 2020

    Hepatitis B virus reactivation in a myeloma patient with resolved infection who received daratumumab-containing salvage chemotherapy

    J Clin Exp Hematop 60,P.51-54 / 2020

    Multiple Gastric Polyps Improved After Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis.

    Inflamm Bowel Dis 26,P.e144-e145 / 2020

    Sjögren's Syndrome as an Immune-related Adverse Event of Nivolumab Treatment for Gastric Cancer

    Intern Med 59,P.2499-2504 / 2020

    Complete Removal of Adrenal Metastasis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Indocyanine Green Fluorescent Imaging.

    Anticancer Res 40,P.5823-5828 / 2020

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Extensive Cancer-associated Thrombosis Successfully Treated With Liver Resection and Direct Oral Anticoagulant: A Case Report.

    Anticancer Res 40,P.6465-6471 / 2020

    Cholangiolocarcinoma With Multiple Recurrences Successfully Treated With Repeated Liver Resection and Radiofrequency Ablation.

    Anticancer Res 40,P.7147-7153 / 2020

  • 英文(PubMed順) 2020年度

    HCC risk post-SVR with DAAs in East Asians: findings from the REAL-C cohort

    Hepatol Int 14,P.1023-1033 / 2020

    Loss of skeletal muscle mass affects the incidence of minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a case control study.

    BMC Gastroenterol 20,P.371 / 2020

    Prostaglandin E2-EP4 Axis Promotes Lipolysis and Fibrosis in Adipose Tissue Leading to Ectopic Fat Deposition and Insulin Resistance.

    Cell Rep 33,P.108265 / 2020

    Development of an in vivo delivery system for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeting of hepatitis B virus cccDNA

    Virus Res 290,P.198191 / 2020

    Inhibitory Effect of a Human MicroRNA, miR-6133-5p, on the Fibrotic Activity of Hepatic Stellate Cells in Culture

    Int. J. Mol. Sci 21,P.7251 / 2020

    Pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma G3 may be heterogeneous and could be classified into two distinct groups.

    Pancreatology 20,P.1421-1427 / 2020

    Screening siRNAs against host glycosylation pathways to develop novel antiviral agents against hepatitis B virus

    Hepatol Res 50,P.1128-1140 / 2020

    Hepatitis B surface antigen, core-related antigen and HBV RNA: Predicting clinical relapse after NA therapy discontinuation.

    Liver Int 40,P.2961-2971 / 2020

    Targeting Aspartate Beta-Hydroxylase with the Small Molecule Inhibitor MO-I-1182 Suppresses Cholangiocarcinoma Metastasis

    Dig Dis Sci. 66,P.1080-1089 / 2020

    Baseline Mac-2 Binding Protein Glycosylation Isomer Level Stratifies Risks of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Oral Antiviral Therapy

    Liver Cancer 9,P.207-220 / 2020

    The metabolite, alpha-ketoglutarate inhibits non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression by targeting lipid metabolism

    Liver Research 9,P.94-100 / 2020

    "Ultra-high sensitivity HBsAg assay can diagnose HBV reactivation following rituximab-based therapy in patients with lymphoma"

    J Hepatol 73,P.285-293 / 2020

    Fluorescence-based biochemical analysis of human hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase activity

    Anal Biochem 597,P.113642 / 2020

    Melinjo seed extract increases adiponectin multimerization in physiological and pathological conditions.

    Sci Rep 10,P.4313 / 2020

    Prometastatic Secretome Trafficking via Exosomes Initiates Pancreatic Cancer Pulmonary Metastasis.

    Cancer Lett 481,P.63-75 / 2020

    The effectiveness and safety of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir in chronic hepatitis C patients with refractory factors in the real world:

    Hepatol Int 14,P.225-238 / 2020

    A Pilot Study Assessing the Possible Combined Effect of Physical Activity and PNPLA3 rs738409 Polymorphism on the Risk for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in the Japanese Elderly General Population.

    Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 13,P.333-341 / 2020

    7-Deaza-7-fluoro modification confers on 4'-cyano-nucleosides potent activity against entecavir/adefovir-resistant HBV variants and favorable safety

    Antiviral Res 176,P.104744 / 2020

    JNJ-4178 (adafosbuvir, odalasvir, and simeprevir) in Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 or 2 infection with or without compensated cirrhosis: the Phase IIa OMEGA-3 study.

    J Gastroenterol 55,P.640-652 / 2020

    Tolloid-Like 1 Negatively Regulates Hepatic Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Through Transforming Growth Factor Beta Signaling.

    Hepatol Commun 4,P.255-267 / 2020

    Marked heterogeneity in the diagnosis of compensated cirrhosis of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection in a real-world setting: A large, multicenter study from Japan.

    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 35,P.1420-1425 / 2020

    MicroRNA-493-5p-mediated repression of the MYCN oncogene inhibits hepatic cancer cell growth and invasion.

    Cancer Sci 111,P.869-880 / 2020

    Recruitment of miR-8080 by luteolin inhibits androgen receptor splice variant 7 expression in castration-resistant prostate cancer.

    Carcinogenesis 41,P.1145-1157 / 2020

    HCV Cure Rates are Reduced in Patients with Active but not Inactive Hepatocellular Carcinoma- A Practice Implication.

    Clin Infect Dis 71,P.2840-2848 / 2020

    Comparison of a 22-gauge Franseen-tip needle with a 20-gauge forward-bevel needle for the diagnosis of type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis: a prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter study (COMPAS study).

    Gastrointest Endosc 91,P.373-381.e2. / 2020

    Tenofovir versus Entecavir for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Prevention in an International Consortium of Chronic Hepatitis B

    Am J Gastroenterol 115,P.271-280 / 2020

    Cure with Interferon Free DAA is Associated with Increased Survival in Patients with HCV related HCC from both East and West.

    Hepatology 71,P.1910-1922 / 2020

    Real-world experience of 12-week DAA regimen of glecaprevir and pibrentasvir in patients with chronic HCV infection.

    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 35,P.855-861 / 2020

    Risk stratification of advanced colorectal neoplasia after baseline colonoscopy: Cohort study of 17 Japanese community practices.

    Dig Endosc 32,P.106-113 / 2020

    Endoscopic features of esophageal adenocarcinoma derived from short-segment versus long-segment Barrett’s esophagus

    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 35,P.211-217 / 2020

  • 邦文総説 2020年度


    朝日新聞 12/26掲載, / 2020


    朝日新聞 12/23掲載, / 2020


    熊本日日新聞 10/7掲載, / 2020

    日本人に最も多い肝臓病 ウイルス性肝炎の治療と予防法

    読売新聞 7/30掲載, / 2020


    西日本新聞 / 2020


    私の内視鏡Tips / 2020


    私の内視鏡Tips / 2020


    私の内視鏡Tips / 2020

    遺伝・ゲノム学 C型肝炎治療後の肝発癌とTLL1遺伝子多型

    医学のあゆみ 274,P.359-360 / 2020


    日本医師会雑誌 148,P.2155-2159 / 2020

    「全身疾患と排便障害 肝疾患」

    臨床と研究 96,P.1289-1292 / 2020


    血液内科 81,P.659-665 / 2020

    【ここがキモ!いまはこうする 肝疾患vs.薬物療法 肝機能評価&薬物性肝障害マネジメントに強くなる】(第5章)薬物性肝障害(DILI)へのアプローチ 薬物におけるB型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)再活性化の現状と方策

    月間薬事 62,P.368-376 / 2020

    【教えて! 健診/検診ホントのところ"-エビデンスを知り,何を伝えるか】特定の疾病を見つけるための検診 肝炎ウイルス検診 HBs抗原検査,HCV抗体検査"

    Medicina 57,P.932-936 / 2020


    Nagoya Medical Journal 56,P.273-278 / 2020

    【B型肝炎Trends & Topics】B型肝炎ウイルスの感染・複製機構 なぜHBV排除は困難なのか

    臨床消化器内科 35,P.137-145 / 2020

    "(薬剤性消化器疾患の治療(3)肝臓) 薬剤性消化器疾患の治療"

    臨床消化器内科 35,P.733-740 / 2020


    消化器・肝臓内科 8,P.197-204 / 2020

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ⓒ Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University